Programming Microsoft SQL server 2012

Before few weeks I got a book from Oreilly Blogger Review program to review a book. I took enough time to read this book. This book covers most of the new trends and features in SQL Server 2012 with good explanation.

I was addicted to the first chapter to get to know about the SQL Server Data Tools. Because previously I was studying development things like C# and Visual Studio because of that I was not able to find out about SQL Server Development Tools. With SQL Server 2012 SQL Server Data Tools were introduced. In the first chapter completely describes SSDT from the point of Developers and Dev DBAs.

All over the book, I didn’t feel like reading a tech book. It is well organized and I felt that I read a storybook. But this book is not good for absolute beginners who are looking for SQL Server Development. And this book also balanced one, It doesn’t cover only XML or CLR. It’s covering most of the topics with useful things. This is like an essence for database developers who uses SQL Server 2012 or who are planning to use SQL Server 2012.

Each chapter had a lot of things to learn. Actually, this is a good book. Read it if you are a dev DBA in SQL Server 2012!!! Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2012 was a pretty interesting book for me.


  • SQL
  • SQL Server 2012
  • SQL Server