
Did you know about JuJu?

Juju is a new solution for Developer's to configure their development environments faster than it was. Developers don't need to be an expert on each and every service and how to configure each and service. Juju has distilled knowledge on each and every product like MongoDB, Cassandra or Hadoop. Creating environments (Linux) become easier with juju.

Juju is still in development and not suitable for production use. But as I feel it is going to play a big role in the industry especially with applications like Hadoop. Most of the businesses are looking into the DevOps model. So juju helps DevOps as well. 

Juju is another work from an African language like Ubuntu. It means magic. Juju is magic. Actually magic is going to happen! Enjoy JuJu!


  • juju
  • Ubuntu
  • linux
  • devops