Installing RedHat Enterprise Linux from USB Drive

Recently I downloaded Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 to install on my home server. And I'm a person who hasn't used Optical Drive for ages. On my laptop, even DVD Drive doesn't work properly. So every time I use USB Drive (Pen Drive) to install any operating system because my server doesn't have an optical drive. Although I call it a server it is just a machine without CD Rom and blah blah.

Then as usually, I wanted to make Red Hat ISO bootable. Then I used UNetBootin to make my USB drive bootable. But I got a mounting error in installation when I was going to format the hard drive. So it never happened with Ubuntu for me. Then I searched here and there to find a method to install RHEL. Then I found a link to iso2usb. It worked a bit far away from that place. But it just installed minimal Linux server without any GUI. There was no option for it on Installation Wizard. Installation Wizard was GUI one although.

The I used fedora live USB create. It didn't work properly. Then I copied all the contents of DVD into my server machine and added a repo entry for yum to DVD packages. :)


  • RedHat
  • linux
  • USB Drive