Enterprise Messaging

Messaging made was never easy like this. This is the first Oreilly video tutorial I followed. And I should mention that I am really happy about this tutorial. Before I watch this tutorial I had no idea about JMS. But in this tutorial Mark Richards explains Messaging concepts as well as JMS implementations.

Most of the developer tutorials don’t explain important stuff about essential administration properly, But the author explains concepts/implementations and administration tips and you wouldn’t notice it. Examples are really simple and easy to understand. If you want to start to lean Enterprise messaging this is the correct tutorial you should follow. You should have an understanding of Java language basics other than that there is nothing else you should know.

Also, this course was highly addictive. I couldn’t stop my self from finishing this video tutorial. Although I had some other work to do I couldn’t do anything else. I love this tutorial. It’s simple and easy to understand.

Mark compares JMS 1.0 and JMS 2.0 in a very effective manner with examples. That makes all the features really easy to understand. Unlike a book, I found watching this video was really helpful to learn JMS.

I can recommend this tutorial to anyone who is willing to learn JMS without any condition.

You can buy this tutorial from here: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920034698.do


  • jms
  • video