Changing OS X native Terminal theme from commands

I used iTerm2 for a while. But it is taking a lot of memory. I wanted to configure the native terminal application on OS X.

I have a virtual box and I used it for my development. I connect to a bridge to access production. I wanted the terminal to change colours/themes when I log in to each and every host.

I downloaded a few themes from this repository: Imported them to OS X terminal application.

Since I am using zsh, I added below code to .zshrc. If you are on bash please change .bash_profile on your mac.

function virt() {
  osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set current settings of front window to settings set \"Ubuntu\""
  ssh -Ap 5001 vuser@virtual-server
  osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set current settings of front window to settings set \"One Dark\""

Then I change .zshrc on my virtual server again. It calls my mac to change the active profile.

function prod() {
  ssh -A luser@laptop -C 'osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set current settings of front window to settings set \"Red Alert\""'
  ssh -A
  ssh -A luser@laptop -C 'osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set current settings of front window to settings set \"Ubuntu\""'

I use password-less login on all the servers. It makes it bit slower when you log-off and log-in.

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  • terminal
  • mac
  • osx