Psycopg causing issues without autocommit

We use psycopg2 package to write ad-hoc jobs in Python. But this can lead to serious problem in production environments.

I have seen this couple of times in the last five years. When we write adhoc Python scripts using Psycopg2 without autocommit=True, you may see wierd spikes on your idle on transaction like below. This was a batch job. It was running every 10 seconds. If your batch job is not closing connections or restarting from the scratch, your SELECT queries might see very old versions of the data. We have to be very careful with this. As it can cause data loss too.

I also have seen idle_in_transaction_max_time goes to days in one instance too. That will stop auto-vaccuum doing its work. It will cause a lot of issues and slow down your database. When you use Psycopg, Make sure you have autocommit=True or you commit manually. You can see the warning on the documentation too.



  • postgres
  • database
  • python